We won in court!

We took a breach of contract case to court and won.Click here to read the article....

Should hirers and employers focus on full time musicians first?

With a finite amount of work, and a growing number of musicians turning out of University each year, should music hirers concentrate on 'full time' musicians first?Click here to read the article....

A blog on Contracts from a Law Grad.

Ya'll need to start understanding and enforcing your rights!!Click here to read the article....

The Ultimate Dep Pack - the benchmark for prepping your deps

There's a new benchmark to meet for prepping your Dep.Click here to read the article....

The Journey from Mainstage to Gig Performer - Rig Rundown

I recently took the jump from MainStage to Gig Performer. Here's some commentary and a rig rundown for my Keys Rig, but also how we're using Gig Performer elsewhere for our live workClick here to read the article....

How do I get work as a muscian?

Our tips for getting gigsClick here to read the article....

Practical tips for musicians during the COVID19 Shutdown

Some practical tips to keep the creative juices flowing and fires burningClick here to read the article....

Winning at Music College - Part 1

What will you need? Click here to read the article....

Winning at Music College - Part 2

Building life long relationships and reputationsClick here to read the article....

Winning at Music College - Part 3

What are the essential skills?Click here to read the article....

There's no budget to pay you - Prove it!

Go on… I dare you!Click here to read the article....

The Exposure Myth

It's real!Click here to read the article....

About to take a Charity gig? Read this first

Be a little more mindful of the "charity" gig.Click here to read the article....

You want to work on a cruise ship? Here's how....

Getting work as a musician on a cruise ship is both easy and hard! Here's how to do itClick here to read the article....

Is a degree in music worth it?

I saw this question posed on a forum, but I’d prefer my answer to live in my blog as it’s an important question that gets asked a lot - and rarely answered with wisdom.Click here to read the article....

As someone who hires musicians - what will make me scoll past you?!

I want to hire professional people - but what will have me scrolling past your messages? Click here to read the article....

Studio time and career advice for younger singers

Are you a young singer wanting to get into music….come and spend a day with me at White RoomClick here to read the article....

Running FOH for Bublé meets Sinatra

Have a look at a couple of snaps from the night.
Click here to read the article....

Can you donate an old instrument to Valentine Primary School?

Can you donate an old instrument or piece of music equipment to Valentine Primary School?Click here to read the article....

"Why don't you write your own music instead...?" Facebook Post Response

This is one of the reason's I don't advertise work on Facebook very often.

Click here to read the article....

Guitarists - an AWESOME pedal board for £7!!

Build your own custom pedal board for just £7Click here to read the article....

The Music Student's Guide Now Available on iTunes

Buy “The Music Student’s Guide to being a Music Student”
Click here to read the article....